Clancy Quay...linking past and future

March 13, 2018

Clancy Quay...linking past and future 

Photography assignments can resemble people in some ways...they can be wildly varied, very different and intriguing but occasionally you have a really special encounter...something that leaves an indelible impression. This was, truly, the case with this assignment to photograph the recently completed Clancy Quay residential development at Islandbridge (originally the site of Clancy Barracks). 

The word 'restoration' of its essence evokes thoughts of 'master craftsmanship', 'dedication' and 'attention to the finest detail'. It is very evident that the dedicated team that brought this vision into being were indeed inspired and true to the interpretations of the word.

I'm reminded of an assignment to record a series old maps of Dublin Port dating back to the 1800's (printed on linen and so large that they could only be photographed in several 4' sections and merged into one final piece). When entrusted with a project where the subject is so unique and authentic you will inevitably deliver your finest performance...and you learn something about yourself in the process.

I have no doubt that everybody who was involved in this wonderful restoration at Clancy Quay will identify with this sentiment. 

This was originally the site of a British military barracks. The original buildings, of Victorian vintage, were robust and austere in form.  

I could imagine myself being at peace living in this environment with water features and landscaping to soothe the spirit and keep at bay the clamour of city on its doorstep. That has been achieved here with a combination of grand design and retaining a connection to history. Research of my own family history in south Kilkenny, conducted by my brother has given me an extraordinary sense of connection and belonging. 

Within some buildings the original flagstone floors and stone staircases have been painstakingly preserved in accommodation areas originally occupied by soldiers, above the stables used to house their horses. 

This place evokes a feeling...memories.The past and future have indeed been linked with an orchestral harmony. The synergy, vision and endeavour of teams of professionals and master craftsmen have created this masterpiece of elegant living space at Clancy Quay. 

I hope you enjoy some of my images illustrating what I have spoken about here.

© Michael O'Farrell Photography

...but before I go this one image showing a row of apple trees just brings me back to the farmhouse where I grew up in with its own little orchard of apple trees and blackcurrant bushes and the many hours of delight I derived from collecting the hoards of apples and the wonderful jams and apple tarts made with such love and devotion by my mother, Mai. 

© Michael O'Farrell Photography

See Image Gallery here


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