Subject Client Testimonial
Status Current Client
Have you used Michael's photography service many times As a regular customer over many years
Nature of the Work Buildings photography for Brochure/Website,
I would recommend Michael to others for similar work Yes
Qualities you valued  
Reliable & Efficient Yes
Photographic Skill & Competence Yes
Flexible & Approachable Yes
Ability to Provide a quality solution to the problem Yes
Good businesslike approach Yes
Good Communications Yes
Fast response time Yes
Good grasp of our business needs Yes
Optional Additional text Michael has taken photographs of Lissadell's completed projects for about 10 years for use on our website, brochures and pre-qualification documentation
We find him to be very professional, helpful and flexible in both taking and producing photographs of our works and we are happy to display much of his work on our own website.
We would have no hesitation in recommending Michael for similar work.
Permission Yes
Name Conor Columb
Organisation Lissadell Construction Ltd.
Date Thursday, February 22 , 2018